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All vehicles must be vetted by the game masters. They need both to be safe and to adhere to the larp's overall aesthetic and style. Beyond that, they/you also need:
Failure in adhering to these requirements will have you grounded and your vehicle banned from being driven during the larp.
If vehicle rules are broken, keys will be confiscated and not handed back until after the larp.
Vehicles are never allowed to be driven faster than 30 Km/h. This rule applies to the entire game site even when no one is looking.
A vehicle is broken down / out of combat when it is hit by a barrage of bullets over a short time or hit by a heavy weapon. When a vehicle is out of combat, it stops where it stands. If your vehicle is taken out of combat on a road where you can reasonably expect professional traffic, you HAVE to move your vehicle to the side of the road so that others can pass.
All vehicles need to be fitted in front with a hose clamp (slangklämma). GM will provide you with one and help you attach it if necessary. In order to repair a vehicle, someone needs to unscrew the clamp from the front of the vehicle and reattach it to the back of the vehicle. No real-world mechanic skills required, this is just a simulation and should take between 30-60 seconds. If you have a better idea for your vehicle, let us know.
A driver that is out of combat is allowed to drive the vehicle back to camp as long as no items of value or players able to fight remains inside the vehicle.
This year (2022), vehicles will need to go through their own application process. That application process will be a google form. A functional link to that form will be up here after the larp at large opens its applications.
If your vehicle doesn't have an engine, you can disregard most of what's on this page. You may still tell us about it if you want to, especially if you're extra proud of your very pretty bike.
Failure to follow any of these requierments will have your vehicle staying in the parking lot. Arr also reserves the right to exile any vehicle to that same parking lot should arr find discrepancies between the information provided and the actual vehicle.